And finally Flowering in AAMRAI, Ratnagiri…………..

The extended monsoons have resulted in a delay in flowering this season. Finally the first flowers have sprouted and most of this has been observed in the last week. Currently about 20% of our trees are showing flowers which is a bit below average compared to the same time last year, i.e. Nov end 2022.

The primary reason for this is that even though lower temperatures and weather conditions were favourable for flowering since the first week of November, the abundant rainfall has resulted in a new flush and fresh leaves on the trees. With an abundance of nutrients and water available to the mango trees, the same is utilized for fresh vegetative parts, i.e. leaves/twigs or reproductive parts, i.e. flowering or fruits.

Mango tree produces both male and female reproductive parts in the same tree. They initiate a lot of flowers but not all of them bear fruit. The flowers will initiate at different times on different branches based on factors such as light penetration, nutrients, water etc. In a good season, up to 75% of mango flowers can develop into fruits.

Induction of flowers in the mango trees are due to cytokinins in the plant system. These cytokinins are florigenic promoters and react with vegetative promoterr resulting in either vegetative growth or flowering. In mango tree flowering, the induction of flowers takes place on stems or branches which have sufficient rest from previous bearing. Hence the occurrence of the “on and off” season for mango trees, i.e. one branch/stem/tree bears fruit every alternate year.

Certain natural and organic tips can be used to induce the flowering on the trees such as pruning of the tips of the shoots to prevent vegetative growth, may result in flowering. Certain nutrients such as nitrogen and potassium play a key role in physiological reactions and maintaining the male to female ratio, increasing number of female flowers to increase fruit bearing.

All in all the picture will be more clear over the next few weeks as winter sets in and further flowering continues across our farms.

Text – Aamrai

Pic credit – Omkar Ranade

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