The Season For The Arrival Of The King Is Here


As the bitter cold of winter fades…

The Konkan area is witnessing rising temperatures. The temperatures throughout the daytime are between 34 and 38 °C.

At roughly 20 °C at night, the temperature is still relatively low.

But as the days go by, the temperatures are increasing rapidly. We expect a quicker increase in temperature now. As the days get longer and more sunshine is available to heat up the environment, we can expect a further rise in temperatures during the daytime This element leads to the weather being optimal for the ripening of the mangoes.

The weather usually changes during Maha Shivratri, and summer arrives around Holi, which is anticipated by this year’s March 8th. With the increasing temperatures and longer daylight hours, farmers and mango growers are gearing up for a bumper crop of the delicious fruit.  This shift also causes a few light rain showers, which, let’s hope, will not occur this year.

To give you an update on the production, the mangoes are the size of ping pong or tennis balls. These mangoes are from the initial blossoming, which took place in the first few days of November. So far, the mangoes have grown significantly in size.

Right now, as we take a walk, the fields are entirely engulfed by the aroma of mangoes, their orchards, and the summer atmosphere. They are lush and green, showing the mangoes have bloomed over the past few months.

The visit of the king is eagerly anticipated, and our crew at the farms is working hard to prepare for it. The harvest is slated to begin in early March. It is a sight to behold; the young green mangoes glistening in the warm sunlight as they come into full fruition. Everywhere one looks, the rows of mango trees are blanketed in foliage, standing tall and proud

Our Organic Hapus Are Certified!

Aamrai’s organic mangoes are internationally acclaimed and certified by NPOP. Our orchards have been certified since 2005.
Get only the best that Ratnagiri has to offer only at Aamrai!
Aamrai Mangoes certified by USDA Organic


Organic Alphonso Mangoes Certified by GI

GI Certified

Aamrai Mangoes certified by India Organic

India Organic

Aamrai Mangoes certified by Control Union
Control Union Certified
Aamrai Mangoes certified by JAS
JAS (Japan)
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